We are pleased to invite you to the next OBTAmistic Meeting: Dr Sonya Nevin and Steve K. Simons, “Teaching Ancient Greece: New Resources from the Panoply Vase Animation Project”. Details here.
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood
We are pleased to present a new page on "The Modern Argonauts" website - here you will find the messages from schools testing the lessons for our mythical handbook.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts
The volume edited by Prof. Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer and Dr Farriba Schulz, “Political Changes and Transformations in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Children's Literature”, Universitätsverlag Winter, includes some texts by the members and friends of the Our Mythical Childhood programme.
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood
We are happy to inform that our colleague Dr Hanna Paulouskaya has won a grant from the University of Warsaw “POB IV for Parents – New Ideas, 2nd edition” for the project “Comrade Prometheus and Co. Classical Mythology in Soviet Animation for Children and Young Adults”, which will be a continuation of her research she was carrying out within the “Our Mythical Childhood” ERC project. She will implement the grant in the academic year 2024/2025. Congratulations!
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood

We are pleased to share a video prepared under the guidance of Prof. Valentina Garulli by our colleagues from The Cluster: The Past for the Present at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, the University of Bologna on the occasion of a public reading of Aristophanes within the Festival Européen Latin Grec.
We are most pleased to share a message from Gymnasium Schäftlarn in Bayern where the students tutored by Dr Michael Stierstorfer tested our mythical lessons for the handbook of The Modern Argonauts.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
We wish to thank the Organizers of the Festiwal Sztuk Wyzwolonych (Artes Liberales Festival) for the extraordinary experience of reading together the short stories of the Students of the Faculty “Artes Liberales” UW, which were written on the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology!
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood
Prof. dr hab. Jan Kieniewicz obitus est. Cuius Anima requiescat in pace. Piae memoriae: https://al.uw.edu.pl/odszedl-profesor-jan-kieniewicz/
We are pleased to invite you to the international conference “The Modern Argonauts”, at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw! It will be possible to attend the conference also via Zoom. Please check the conference booklet, p. 15, for details.
The conference materials are available here.

Natalia Konieczna, Polish language teacher at X Bolesław Chrobry School Complex for Motor Vehicles in Koszalin, on testing the lesson “Meet Poseidon” by Irene Di Gioia, prepared within the ERC Proof of Concept Grant “The Modern Argonauts” project. Our gratitude to the Teacher and 1TB Class for your participation in the project!
Susan Deacy soon in Warsaw! On 21 May, she will lead the workshops on autism and mythology in the Klubokawiarnia Życie jest fajne (Life Is Cool), a place, where the Staff is autistic. The workshops will be combined with the launch of Prof. Deacy’s book What Would Hercules Do? Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth (University of Warsaw Press, 2023), prepared within the ERC Consolidator Grant “Our Mythical Childhood”.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts
Katarzyna Marciniak’s article about ”The Modern Argonauts” project in Academia. The Magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Polish and English editions:
Katarzyna Marciniak, The Modern Argonauts, ”Academia. The Magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences”, 1/81/2024, pp. 66–69.
Katarzyna Marciniak, Współcześni Argonauci, ”Academia. Magazyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk”, 1/77/2024, pp. 66–69.

11 May 1895 – Jan Parandowski’s birthday. This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the publication of his Mythology! We wish you many wonderful Mediterranean hours with this Book!
#OBTA #Cluster
Our cordial congratulations to Dr Krzysztof Rybak, who received a START stipend from the Foundation for Polish Science.
We invite you to watch the documentary from the conference at “Strumienie” High School in Józefów on the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology. More materials from the celebrations soon!
#OBTA #Cluster
Classical Class of the XI Mikołaj Rej High School in Warsaw on the symposium on the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology, celebrated at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW. Thank you!
#OBTA #Cluster
We are pleased to share a short report from testing the lesson “Meet Demeter and Persephone” written by Marta Pszczolińska and Dr Maria Wiśniewska in Lyceum No. 6 “Leader” of the Poltava City Council, in Ukraine. Dear “Leader” Teacher and Students, we are deeply moved by your outstanding engagement, thank you!
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts
V John Paul II High School in Toruń on the symposium on the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology, celebrated at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW. Thank you!
#OBTA #Cluster
On 23 April the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW will host a symposium “My z niej wszyscy… Sto lat Mitologii Jana Parandowskiego” [“We are all made of it… One hundred years of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology”]. Due to the capacity of the hall and the number of registrations, the limit of seats has already been reached, so we will launch a streaming on the YouTube channel of the “Our Mythical Childhood” programme. We invite you to follow the event live!
#OBTA #Cluster
On 2nd April we celebrate Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday and the International Children’s Book Day. On this occasion, we invite you to read a statement by Dr Krzysztof Rybak from the Faculty “Artes Liberales” UW.
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood
2nd April is the World Autism Awareness Day. We highly recommend Prof. Susan Deacy’s book What Would Hercules Do? Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth, a result of the European Research Council Consolidator Grant “Our Mythical Childhood”, in Open Access on the University of Warsaw Press’ page.
#Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
Katarzyna Marciniak and Sonja Schreiner, Ein Bericht von der Reise der modernen Argonaut:innen oder: Ein internationales Bildungsprogramm auf der Grundlage der klassischen Mythologie, das Jugendliche zum Dialog über aktuelle Themen ermuntert in ”Circulare. Magazin der Sodalitas”, 1/2024, pp. 16–17.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts
Katarzyna Marciniak in the interview by Agnieszka Krzemińska on Classical Antiquity, education, and the projects carried out within the ERC Grants, weekly “Polityka” 14, 2024.
#ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
Katarzyna Marciniak in the research podcast Pulsar of the weekly “Polityka”, host: Agnieszka Krzemińska.
#ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
The European Research Council has chosen the Modern Argonauts for the Highlighted Projects in the ERC Proof of Concept Grants competition. We are deeply grateful for this recognition.
We are happy to share the news about the public reading of Aristophanes within the Festival Européen Latin Grec, at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the Universtity of Bologna, by our colleagues from the Cluster: The Past for the Present.
#OBTA #Cluster
Susan Deacy on her blog Autism and Classical Myth about Emma Astra’s review of the conference at the Archaeology and Ancient History Department, University of Leicester, 14 September 2022.
#Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
We are delighted to share information about initiatives that are taking place as part of the celebrations marking the centenary of the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mythology: Mr Wojciech Konieczny, Polish language teacher at the Władysław Hasior State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Koszalin, runs the blog Sto książek na stulecie mitologii [One Hundred Books for a Century of Mythology].
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
A registration of Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak's talk in the University of Warsaw's Radio Kampus, interview by Bartosz Pergół, is available on the YouTube.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project) on her and Steve K. Simon’s creations within the Locus Ludi, Galateo, and Our Mythical Childhood projects.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
Marta Pszczolińska for Our Mythical Childhood Blog about “Sweet Greetings from Ancient Gods”.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
Davide Iengo’s presentation on “I understand the deaf-mute and hear the words of the dumb: Framing the Depiction of Disabilities in Herodotus’ Histories” at the International Students’ and PhD Students’ Conference “Antiquity Today II: Inspiring, Inclusive, Universal”, 16 October 2023, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
We are most pleased to present Prof. Susan Deacy’s book What Would Hercules Do? Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth, Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, 2023, pp. 202.
The book has been prepared within the Our Mythical Childhood Project and is available in Gold Open Access via the Publisher’s website.

Dr Sonja Schreiner’s inaugural lecture on “Deep in the Water & High in the Sky: Inspiring, Inclusive, and Universal Aspects of Antiquity Today in Christoph Ransmayr and Jessie Sima” at the International Students’ and PhD Students’ Conference “Antiquity Today II: Inspiring, Inclusive, Universal”, 16 October 2023, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
The launch of Prof. Elizabeth Hale and Dr Miriam Riverlea’s book Classical Mythology and Children’s Literature… An Alphabetical Odyssey, ill. by Steve K. Simons, at the festival organised at the University of New England Sydney Campus by the UNE Storytelling Hub and the Our Mythical Childhood Project.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
Sonya Nevin’s presentation “A Moving History of the Panoply Vase Animation Project” at the University College Dublin School of Classics Research seminar.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
“The Ancient Key to Our Times” – an interview with Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak by Anna Zawadzka in the Polish academic journal “Forum Akademickie”, on The Modern Argonauts project, carried out within the European Research Council’s Proof of Concept Grant.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
Martin Lindner for Our Mythical Childhood Blog about “The Tom Stern Collection: (Not Just) a Film Archive for the Classics”.
#OBTA #OurMythicalChildhood
Katarzyna Marciniak’s review of Olivier Devillers and Séverine Garat, eds., L’Antiquité dans la littérature jeunesse, Scripta receptoria, 20. Bordeaux; Pessac: Éditions Ausonius, 2021, on “Bryn Mawr Classical Review”.
#OBTA #ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood
The competition that we announced for the essays inspired by Jan Parandowski’s Mythology, on the centenary of its publication (1924), is underway. School Students are invited to participate! The deadline for submitting an essay for the competition is 31 October 2023.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
We invite you warmly to the second edition of the Students’ and PhD Students’ international conference “Antiquity Today II: Inspiring, Inclusive, Universal”, organized within the Cluster: The Past for the Present and the Our Mythical Childhood programme. The conference will take place online, on Monday, 16 October 2023, at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw. You will find the programme and the abstracts here.
#OBTA #Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
Susan Deacy on her blog Autism and Classical Myth about “Live blogging Hera’s Terrible Trap in the Hopeless Heroes series where, TLDR, I’m half way through and taking a pause to process after some experiences to date of Medusa-receptions for young people”.
#Cluster #OurMythicalChildhood
We are pleased to announce the launch of the project “The Modern Argonauts: A Multicultural Educational Programme Preparing Young People for Contemporary Challenges through an Innovative Use of Classical Mythology”, led by Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak within the ERC Proof of Concept Grant.
#OBTA #Cluster #ModernArgonauts #OurMythicalChildhood